Novartis faces one win, one loss in patent cases over blockbuster heart failure drug

No­var­tis record­ed both a win and a loss last week in patent fights over its block­buster heart drug En­tresto.

On Ju­ly 6, a fed­er­al court fort the North­ern Dis­trict of West Vir­ginia ruled in fa­vor of No­var­tis in a patent case against My­lan that was more than three years in the mak­ing. No­var­tis sued My­lan in 2019, ac­cus­ing the biotech of patent in­fringe­ment af­ter it filed an ab­bre­vi­at­ed new drug ap­pli­ca­tion for var­i­ous dos­es of an En­tresto gener­ic.

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