Name that Humira biosimilar: Inside the complicated process to brand the newest versions of AbbVie’s drug

Sev­en new drugs launched last week, all with re­sound­ing sim­i­lar­i­ty — and all try­ing to cap­ture a piece of the lu­cra­tive mar­ket for Ab­b­Vie’s Hu­mi­ra.

The drugs are all FDA-ap­proved biosim­i­lars for Hu­mi­ra, or adal­i­mum­ab, still one of the world’s top-sell­ing drugs and a com­mon treat­ment for pso­ri­a­sis and arthri­tis. The group joins Am­gen’s Am­je­vi­ta, which hit the mar­ket in Jan­u­ary, and Pfiz­er’s Abri­la­da, set to launch this year.

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