Physicians see value in consumer drug ads, but want more financial and adherence information, survey finds

Physi­cians don’t hate pre­scrip­tion drug ads, they just want the pro­mo­tions to do more. That’s ac­cord­ing to Sy­neos Health’s most re­cent An­swer­Suite sur­vey of health­care pro­fes­sion­als.

Across its pan­el of dif­fer­ent HCP spe­cial­ists and gen­er­al­ists, 42% of re­spon­dents think di­rect-to-con­sumer ad­ver­tis­ing is ef­fec­tive at pro­vid­ing in­for­ma­tion and en­cour­ag­ing con­sumer en­gage­ment. How­ev­er, there was al­so agree­ment that it’s not al­ways enough. On­col­o­gy spe­cial­ists said drug­mak­ers should al­so dis­cuss po­ten­tial ad­her­ence prob­lems, while oth­er HCPs said more fi­nan­cial help in­for­ma­tion, like co-pay and as­sis­tance pro­grams, should be in­clud­ed in con­sumer ads.

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