Dermavant taps AI for ‘white-glove’ website service for Vtama psoriasis med

Der­ma­vant de­buted a splashy cam­paign for its first-ap­proved drug Vta­ma that in­clud­ed TV com­mer­cials along­side dig­i­tal and so­cial me­dia ads last fall. But the mar­ket­ing team knew that wouldn’t be enough to make waves in the com­pet­i­tive pso­ri­a­sis treat­ment are­na.

So they worked with dig­i­tal health­care and AI plat­form Os­tro, for­mer­ly RxDe­fine, to de­vise a way to vir­tu­al­ly hold po­ten­tial pa­tients’ hands once they ar­rive at the Vta­ma web­site. A nurse nav­i­ga­tor but­ton la­beled “Nurse chat” and a “live” word bub­ble in­vite vis­i­tors to talk to a “Vta­ma cream nav­i­ga­tor” who an­swers ques­tions and doles out in­for­ma­tion and re­sources in re­al time. A sec­ond tab above the chat fea­ture links to a “sav­ings card” link with the im­me­di­ate op­tion to down­load and print the card on the next screen.

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