Causaly, an AI startup helping with preclinical discovery, nabs $60M from VCs and former J&J chief Alex Gorsky

The AI hype isn’t let­ting up: An­oth­er start­up in the pre­clin­i­cal dis­cov­ery world has reeled in a fresh $60 mil­lion, in­clud­ing in­vest­ment from John­son & John­son’s for­mer chair and CEO Alex Gorsky.

Lon­don and San Fran­cis­co com­pa­ny Causaly dis­closed its Se­ries B Thurs­day morn­ing, say­ing it now serves 12 of the top 20 phar­ma com­pa­nies. Gilead, No­vo Nordisk, Re­gen­eron and the FDA are among its cus­tomers.

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