UK’s life sciences sector sees $1.1B drop in foreign investments from 2021 to 2022

The UK’s phar­ma in­dus­try group is warn­ing of a dire sit­u­a­tion for the coun­try’s life sci­ences sec­tor, which saw a $1.1 bil­lion (£0.9 bil­lion) re­duc­tion in for­eign in­vest­ments from 2021 to 2022, ac­cord­ing to a new gov­ern­ment re­port.

This 47% drop in for­eign in­vest­ment push­es the UK to ninth out of 18 com­para­tor coun­tries in 2022, the As­so­ci­a­tion of the British Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal In­dus­try said in a state­ment. That’s down from sec­ond in 2021.

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