Grail pushed a more restrictive employee arbitration agreement shortly before lawsuits

The can­cer-test­ing com­pa­ny Grail took steps last month to push more em­ploy­ee le­gal dis­putes in­to pri­vate ar­bi­tra­tion, sub­stan­tial­ly re­vis­ing a pri­or pol­i­cy that left the door open for work­ers to sue the com­pa­ny in court over dis­crim­i­na­tion and ha­rass­ment claims.

The change, which was put in front of work­ers in June, comes as Grail is fac­ing law­suits from three now-for­mer work­ers who have sued the com­pa­ny for ha­rass­ment, dis­crim­i­na­tion and re­tal­i­a­tion.

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