ViiV’s long-acting HIV injectable Cabenuva preferred over Biktarvy by 90% of patients in PhIII trial

Most HIV pa­tients in a Phase III study in­ves­ti­gat­ing Vi­iV Health­care’s long-act­ing in­jectable Cabe­nu­va and Gilead Sci­ences’ dai­ly pill Bik­tarvy pre­ferred the in­jec­tion over the pill, cit­ing a range of phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al ben­e­fits.

Pa­tients al­so re­port­ed im­proved ad­her­ence to the med­ica­tion and emo­tion­al and psy­cho­log­i­cal ben­e­fits.

Vi­iV said Mon­day that it put Cabe­nu­va and Bik­tarvy head-to-head in the Phase III SO­LAR study, which found that the in­jectable was “non-in­fe­ri­or” to Bik­tarvy in ef­fi­ca­cy and pre­ferred by 90% of pa­tients af­ter 12 months of treat­ment.

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