Corrected: Roche is not moving forward with SQZ program, sending the biotech into strategic review

This sto­ry was cor­rect­ed to note that Roche has elect­ed not to take its op­tion on SQZ’s pro­gram. A pre­vi­ous ver­sion said that Roche and SQZ had end­ed their part­ner­ship. This sto­ry was al­so up­dat­ed with up­front and near-term pay­ment in­for­ma­tion.

Roche is walk­ing away from its col­lab­o­ra­tion on SQZ Biotech­nolo­gies’ clin­i­cal pro­gram.

Roche de­cid­ed not to li­cense and de­vel­op SQZ’s anti­gen pre­sent­ing cells (APCs) that are de­signed to spark killer T cells to go af­ter HPV16-pos­i­tive can­cers, the biotech an­nounced Tues­day morn­ing. The pro­gram is SQZ’s on­ly APC in the clin­ic, which it is test­ing in a Phase I/II study in pa­tients with head and neck, cer­vi­cal, anal, vul­var, or pe­nile can­cers.

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