Jim Momtazee’s Patient Square leads $150M+ addition to Kriya Therapeutics’ ‘mainstream’ gene therapy ambitions

Shankar Ra­maswamy’s Kriya Ther­a­peu­tics has upped its Se­ries C with an ad­di­tion­al $150 mil­lion-plus to take the biotech in­to late 2026.

The AAV-fo­cused gene ther­a­py mak­er hopes to bring its first can­di­dates to the clin­ic in the next 18 to 24 months, Ra­maswamy, the co-founder and CEO, told End­points News. Ad­di­tions to its pipeline will be dis­closed in the com­ing months, he said.

Since the ini­tial $270 mil­lion Se­ries C an­nounce­ment in May 2022, the biotech bought a neu­rol­o­gy gene ther­a­py start­up, hired pres­i­dent and op­er­at­ing chief Curt Her­berts, shuf­fled its pipeline pri­or­i­ties and lost a few C-suite mem­bers to oth­er biotechs. At the time of the ini­tial Se­ries C, Kriya had hoped to en­ter the clin­ic in 2023.

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