Purdue Pharma is in the spotlight again with new Netflix special amid federal challenge to its bankruptcy agreement

Pur­due Phar­ma’s role in the opi­oid epi­dem­ic is get­ting an­oth­er Hol­ly­wood as­sess­ment, this time on Net­flix with a cast led by Matthew Brod­er­ick as Richard Sack­ler. “Painkiller” de­buts next week and comes as the Pur­due bank­rupt­cy and Sack­ler fam­i­ly deal are again be­ing chal­lenged by the US De­part­ment of Jus­tice.

Its bank­rupt­cy watch­dog, the Of­fice of the US Trustee, on Fri­day asked the Supreme Court to stop the $6 bil­lion Pur­due bank­rupt­cy set­tle­ment that pro­tects the Sack­ler fam­i­ly from any fu­ture civ­il law­suits, ac­cord­ing to a Reuters re­port. The Supreme Court gave Pur­due un­til Aug. 4 to re­spond.

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