Longwood launches startup Solu with drug candidates from GSK and $31M to start

Long­wood Fund’s Christoph West­phal, the co-found­ing in­vestor be­hind the likes of Al­ny­lam, TScan and Tome Bio­sciences, is out with an­oth­er new biotech whose pipeline de­rives from GSK.

Boston-based Solu Ther­a­peu­tics pulled back the cur­tains on Tues­day with $31 mil­lion in seed cap­i­tal and drug can­di­dates in-li­censed from GSK. The biotech be­gins with a fo­cus on hema­to­log­i­cal ma­lig­nan­cies and an­tic­i­pates en­ter­ing the clin­ic with­in two years, co-founder and CEO David Don­abe­di­an said in a press re­lease.

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