Brent Saunders keeps rolling out the changes at Bausch + Lomb; Incyte CSO to exit next month

Bausch + Lomb CEO Brent Saun­ders told An­drew Dunn on Wednes­day that he’d take time to “di­gest” the $1.75 bil­lion deal he made for Xi­idra “but will con­tin­ue to look to source small­er deals.” Mean­while, Saun­ders isn’t deal­ing in small lead­er­ship up­dates these days as he con­tin­ues to re­tool the team. Asli Gevgilili, who worked with Saun­ders when she was in charge of hu­man re­sources at Al­ler­gan, will re­place Kel­ly Web­ber as Bausch + Lomb’s chief hu­man re­sources of­fi­cer; Jonathon Keller­man was Saun­ders’ chief com­pli­ance of­fi­cer at Al­ler­gan and he’ll have the same po­si­tion here; ex-Acu­Fo­cus pres­i­dent and CEO Al Wa­ter­house has been named chief sup­ply chain and op­er­a­tions of­fi­cer; TJ Craw­ford (chief com­mu­ni­ca­tions of­fi­cer) and Man­isha Narasimhan (chief cor­po­rate de­vel­op­ment and dig­i­tal of­fi­cer) are tak­ing on new­ly-es­tab­lished po­si­tions; and Den­nis Asharin — Bausch + Lomb’s chief glob­al man­u­fac­tur­ing and sup­ply chain of­fi­cer — will shift to head of qual­i­ty.

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