Details emerge on Cidara/J&J influenza partnership, with a countdown on next steps

Cidara has fi­nal­ly giv­en more de­tails on its in­fluen­za deal with John­son and John­son’s Janssen af­ter the part­nered can­di­date was re­moved from the phar­ma gi­ant’s pipeline last month.

Some de­tails have come out since late Ju­ly. But San Diego-based Cidara, in its sec­ond-quar­ter earn­ings an­nounce­ment Thurs­day, is now giv­ing a more com­plete pic­ture of its flu deal.

The com­pa­ny not­ed that its in­fluen­za can­di­date CD388 — al­so re­ferred to as JNJ-0953 — was no longer dis­played in Janssen’s pipeline as of Ju­ly 20. It’s a part of Janssen’s plans to dis­con­tin­ue in­ter­nal de­vel­op­ment of sev­er­al in­fec­tious dis­ease can­di­dates, in­clud­ing JNJ-0953.

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