Aceragen to pull out of Nasdaq and liquidate assets, ending tumultuous journey for Idera Pharma

Ac­er­a­gen is set to cease its Nas­daq list­ing, the next step for the be­lea­guered com­pa­ny whose as­sets are slat­ed to be liq­ui­dat­ed. The com­pa­ny has strug­gled to raise fur­ther cap­i­tal to fund its cur­rent and fu­ture oblig­a­tions, on­ly months af­ter its re­brand­ing.

Ac­er­a­gen, for­mer­ly Idera Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, an­nounced Fri­day it plans to vol­un­tar­i­ly ter­mi­nate its pub­lic list­ing via fil­ing a Form 25 with the SEC some­time in mid-Au­gust. On Aug. 14, the com­pa­ny will stage a meet­ing to se­cure stake­hold­er ap­proval and as­sign “sub­stan­tial­ly all” of the com­pa­ny’s as­sets to a board-ap­point­ed as­signee who will have pri­ma­ry con­trol of next steps.

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