Ginkgo Bioworks nets second contract with Merck

Gink­go Bioworks se­cured an­oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ing deal with Mer­ck, this time cen­tered around im­prov­ing bi­o­log­ic man­u­fac­tur­ing.

Ac­cord­ing to a re­lease on Mon­day, Gink­go said that it plans to help Mer­ck’s pro­duc­tion be­come more ef­fi­cient and in­crease out­put. Gink­go may be able to net a to­tal of $490 mil­lion in re­search fees, mile­stone pay­ments, hit­ting com­mer­cial tar­gets and re­ceiv­ing op­tion li­cense pay­ments.

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