Hospital groups ask Congress to reform 340B program, crack down on contract pharmacy restrictions

Hos­pi­tal groups are ask­ing Con­gress to do a bet­ter job of over­see­ing the 340B drug dis­count pro­gram, and they are call­ing on law­mak­ers to step in to pre­vent man­u­fac­tur­ers from de­clin­ing dis­counts to con­tract phar­ma­cies.

The 340B pro­gram, which Con­gress es­tab­lished in 1992, re­quires phar­ma com­pa­nies to of­fer dis­counts to health sys­tems and hos­pi­tals that serve low-in­come pop­u­la­tions. But in re­cent years, dozens of bio­phar­ma com­pa­nies have cracked down on what they see as a bal­loon­ing pro­gram thanks to the growth of con­tract phar­ma­cies.

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