Regeneron to buy gene therapy biotech Decibel Therapeutics in small $109M deal

Re­gen­eron is buy­ing Deci­bel Ther­a­peu­tics and its hear­ing loss gene ther­a­pies for a mod­est $109 mil­lion, the com­pa­nies an­nounced Wednes­day morn­ing.

Re­gen­eron and Deci­bel have been long­time col­lab­o­ra­tors in de­vel­op­ing hear­ing loss gene ther­a­pies, with their first deal dat­ing back to 2017. Deci­bel’s lead pro­gram, which is al­so its on­ly pro­gram in the clin­ic, is a gene ther­a­py for peo­ple with con­gen­i­tal hear­ing loss from mu­ta­tions in the otofer­lin gene, which re­sults in de­fec­tive sig­nal­ing from sound-sens­ing hair cells in the ear to the brain.

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