Novo Nordisk boasts $14.6B in H1 obesity, diabetes sales, but questions linger on broader coverage

No­vo Nordisk’s sales from its obe­si­ty and di­a­betes care prod­ucts in­creased by 36% to $14.6 bil­lion (99 bil­lion Dan­ish kro­ner) in the first half of this year, dri­ven main­ly by its GLP-1s like semaglu­tide, which just read out car­dio­vas­cu­lar da­ta in the SE­LECT tri­al in obese pa­tients.

No­vo’s strong first-half earn­ings are a sign that the pop­u­lar­i­ty around GLP-1 med­ica­tions is still on­ly just start­ing to heat up, and it’s go­ing to lead to more man­u­fac­tur­ing pres­sure while dis­cus­sions evolve around how the med­ica­tions are paid for.

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