Senti Bio offloads manufacturing site to Hong Kong PE firm for $38M

San Fran­cis­co-based pre­clin­i­cal biotech Sen­ti Bio­sciences is sell­ing off a man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty to a pri­vate eq­ui­ty firm that’s spin­ning it in­to a new con­tract man­u­fac­tur­er known as Gene­Fab.

Sen­ti said Thurs­day it will sub­lease its re­cent­ly con­struct­ed, 92,000-square-foot man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty in Alame­da, CA, to Gene­Fab, which is backed by Celadon Part­ners, a Hong Kong-based pri­vate eq­ui­ty firm. Gene­Fab will al­so ac­quire all of Sen­ti Bio’s chem­istry man­u­fac­tur­ing and con­trol ca­pa­bil­i­ties for $38 mil­lion. The move will give Sen­ti Bio enough run­way to last in­to the fourth quar­ter of next year.

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