Gilead agrees to pay $247M to settle HIV drug case that alleged competition blocking

De­tails of a pro­posed HIV set­tle­ment with Gilead are now pub­lic, but its fate hinges on a fed­er­al judge’s OK next month.

KPH Health­care Ser­vices, a plain­tiff in a years-long an­titrust case cen­tered around Gilead and ac­cess to HIV med­i­cines, filed a pro­posed or­der in US Dis­trict Court for the Dis­trict of North­ern Cal­i­for­nia on Wednes­day. In the pro­posed or­der and fil­ing, the set­tle­ment would re­quire Gilead to pay $246.8 mil­lion in­to a set­tle­ment fund.

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