Radius Pharma sells off part of its royalties, milestones in breast cancer drug Orserdu

Ra­dius Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is pulling in an up­front pay­ment of $130 mil­lion from DRI Health­care as part of a roy­al­ty pur­chase agree­ment for its breast can­cer drug elaces­trant, the Boston-based biotech an­nounced Mon­day.

Ra­dius Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, a sub­sidiary of Ra­dius Health, could al­so re­ceive an­oth­er $10 mil­lion from DRI if “cer­tain events” hap­pen. Ra­dius will keep more than $200 mil­lion in po­ten­tial com­mer­cial mile­stones from the Menar­i­ni Group, which snagged glob­al com­mer­cial and de­vel­op­ment rights to elaces­trant for on­ly $30 mil­lion in Ju­ly 2020.

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