Following injection side effects, Design Therapeutics to reformulate Friedreich’s ataxia drug, delay trial timeline

De­sign Ther­a­peu­tics said Tues­day morn­ing that it was plan­ning to re­for­mu­late its Friedre­ich’s atax­ia drug fol­low­ing in­jec­tion site re­ac­tions in a Phase I study.

As a re­sult, De­sign has de­layed its clin­i­cal tri­al plans sub­stan­tial­ly — the Carls­bad, CA biotech said it now plans to be­gin a new mul­ti­ple-dose Phase I study in the sec­ond half of 2024, with ini­tial da­ta in 2025. Pre­vi­ous­ly in May, De­sign had guid­ed that it ex­pect­ed to start a Phase II study in Friedre­ich’s atax­ia in the sec­ond half of this year.

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