CMS lays out how seniors can pay for drugs on a monthly basis in 2025 and beyond

CMS laid out the first part of its plan to al­low Medicare ben­e­fi­cia­ries to pay for pre­scrip­tion drugs in month­ly in­stall­ments, as di­rect­ed by the In­fla­tion Re­duc­tion Act, in draft guid­ance pub­lished Mon­day.

Start­ing in 2025, se­niors and peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties with Medicare Part D will have the op­tion to pay for pre­scrip­tion drugs in month­ly pay­ments, as op­posed to up­front, in an ef­fort to man­age high up-front pre­scrip­tion drug costs for those groups.

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