Rapport bags $150M Series B just five months after nine-figure launch for epilepsy, psychiatry trials

Just five months af­ter emerg­ing with $100 mil­lion to test for­mer Janssen neu­ro­science pro­grams, Rap­port Ther­a­peu­tics is back with an­oth­er nine-fig­ure raise to take its lead small mol­e­cule through mid-stage tri­als.

The Cal­i­for­nia and Mass­a­chu­setts biotech dis­closed a $150 mil­lion Se­ries B on Wednes­day morn­ing. The quick, back-to-back fi­nanc­ing rounds are rem­i­nis­cent of the fast-paced fund­ing hey­day of 2021. The com­pa­ny’s lead pro­gram, RAP-219, is cur­rent­ly in a healthy vol­un­teer study, and the drug de­vel­op­er hopes to start two Phase II tri­als of the as­set next year — one for treat­ment-re­sis­tant epilep­sy and the oth­er for a yet-to-be-se­lect­ed psy­chi­a­try in­di­ca­tion, CEO Abra­ham Ceesay told End­points News.

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