Ipsen gives back Parkinson’s drug after failing PhIIb study; Paradigm Therapeutics gets global rights to skin treatment

IR­LAB Ther­a­peu­tics has full rights to mes­dopetam again af­ter the drug flunked a Phase IIb study in­volv­ing Parkin­son’s pa­tients.

The com­pa­nies were test­ing mes­dopetam among pa­tients with lev­odopa-in­duced dysk­i­ne­sias, or se­vere in­vol­un­tary move­ments af­ter Ipsen paid $28 mil­lion up­front in 2021 to li­cense the drug. While not a symp­tom of Parkin­son’s dis­ease it­self, dysk­i­ne­sia is of­ten as­so­ci­at­ed with the most com­mon­ly pre­scribed Parkin­son’s treat­ment, lev­odopa, al­so sold un­der brand names like Duopa and Sinemet.

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