CA federal judge allows former employee’s case against SomaLogic to continue

A Cal­i­for­nia fed­er­al judge has de­nied So­ma­Log­ic’s re­quest to dis­miss a case brought by a for­mer em­ploy­ee who ar­gues he’s owed un­vest­ed stock.

The case traces back to Ash­win Gopinath, the co-founder of a com­pa­ny bought by So­ma­Log­ic in 2022. Gopinath joined So­ma­Log­ic as a se­nior di­rec­tor of as­say de­vel­op­ment, se­cur­ing a pay pack­age that in­clud­ed more than $1.6 mil­lion in cash and more than 76,000 shares of the biotech’s stock. His to­tal stock com­pen­sa­tion of 450,000-plus shares would vest over sev­er­al years if he re­mained em­ployed, ac­cord­ing to court doc­u­ments.

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