Ginkgo teams up with Google Cloud; Two biotechs raise money through private placements

Gink­go Bioworks is col­lab­o­rat­ing with Google Cloud on a five-year AI part­ner­ship, the biotech an­nounced Tues­day.

The part­ner­ship will be cen­tered around Gink­go work­ing on cre­at­ing large lan­guage mod­els, a type of AI al­go­rithm that uti­lizes sub­stan­tial amounts of da­ta. These mod­els will be fo­cused on ge­nomics, syn­thet­ic bi­ol­o­gy and pro­tein func­tion, and will be host­ed on Google Cloud’s AI plat­form, Ver­tex AI.

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