A deal? An asset sale? A launch? Everyone is watching next moves for Roivant, BridgeBio

What’s next for two of biotech’s once-cool, now-hot com­pa­nies?

Hot on the heels of crit­i­cal da­ta read­outs, Roivant Sci­ences and Bridge­Bio Phar­ma are en­joy­ing two of 2023’s most dra­mat­ic stock turn­arounds, af­ter their briefly-out-of-fa­vor busi­ness mod­els have turned up po­ten­tial block­buster drugs.

Suc­cess­ful read­outs of the pro­grams — Roivant’s stom­ach drug, RVT-3101, and Bridge­Bio’s heart pill, aco­ramidis — have prompt­ed the sort of ques­tion that faces any small­er com­pa­ny af­ter pos­i­tive da­ta. In Roivant’s case, there have been re­ports that it plans to sell the drug for as much as $7 bil­lion — but no deal has ma­te­ri­al­ized. And Bridge­Bio was said to have at­tract­ed in­quiries from larg­er drug­mak­ers ahead of its read­out, but the com­pa­ny hasn’t an­nounced a deal or its own fi­nanc­ing plans.

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