A French startup wants to decentralize cell and gene therapy manufacturing, making it ‘the size of a book’

Jérémie Lau­rent stum­bled in­to bi­ol­o­gy.

While study­ing aero­space en­gi­neer­ing, all of Lau­rent’s class­es were about math, so he be­gan tak­ing bi­ol­o­gy class­es as an es­cape. “I just fell in love with bi­ol­o­gy,” he said.

As a PhD stu­dent, he start­ed a project at the in­ter­sec­tion of en­gi­neer­ing and bi­ol­o­gy — a mi­croflu­idics cell and gene ther­a­py man­u­fac­tur­ing plat­form. That gave birth to As­traveus, a French biotech that large­ly re­lied on pub­lic grant fund­ing from the EU and French gov­ern­ment for its first few years.

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