A year after cost cuts, Nanobiotix has a deal with J&J to license its lead radioenhancer product

Nanobi­otix and John­son & John­son have struck a li­cens­ing deal for the French biotech’s lead prod­uct, an ex­per­i­men­tal ther­a­py de­signed to boost the ef­fi­ca­cy of ra­di­a­tion treat­ment.

Un­der the agree­ment an­nounced ear­ly Mon­day morn­ing, J&J will li­cense Nanobi­otix’s lead prod­uct, NBTXR3, for which the com­pa­ny is con­duct­ing a late-stage study in head and neck can­cers. J&J will start up a Phase II pro­gram in ad­vanced lung can­cer, and the com­pa­nies may al­so look at oth­er us­es, ac­cord­ing to a press re­lease.

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