#AAD24 roundup: Data from Sanofi, Alumis, Galderma and more

Be­low are no­table up­dates from the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Der­ma­tol­ogy’s an­nu­al meet­ing over the week­end:

Sanofi amends tri­al pro­to­col

Sanofi has big plans for am­lite­limab, the mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body that binds to OX40-Lig­and ac­quired in the $1.5 bil­lion Kymab bolt-on from 2021. But first up is atopic der­mati­tis.

Ad­di­tion­al Phase IIb da­ta will prompt Sanofi to change its Phase III tri­al pro­to­col to al­low for less fre­quent dos­ing, mov­ing to once every 12 weeks, glob­al head of im­munol­o­gy Sha­ju Backer told End­points News. Pa­tients with high re­sponse rates from an ear­li­er part of the study who con­tin­ued tak­ing the drug main­tained their treat­ment lev­els out to 28 weeks, ac­cord­ing to a press re­lease.

Endpoints News

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