AbbVie and Incyte report PhIIb vitiligo data on oral JAKs analysts call ‘undifferentiated’

Ab­b­Vie and In­cyte pre­sent­ed pos­i­tive Phase IIb re­sults of their re­spec­tive oral JAK in­hibitors in non-seg­men­tal vi­tili­go (NSV) at the Eu­ro­pean Acad­e­my of Der­ma­tol­ogy and Venere­ol­o­gy meet­ing, but an­a­lysts say there was no clear win­ner.

Ab­b­vie un­veiled re­sults Thurs­day from three dos­es of Rin­voq in 185 NSV pa­tients en­rolled in its Phase IIb tri­al. The 11 mg dose, which is of par­tic­u­lar in­ter­est, at­tained a mean 35.6% re­duc­tion from base­line in the fa­cial vi­tili­go area scor­ing in­dex (F-VASI) pri­ma­ry end­point at 24 weeks ver­sus a 14.4% place­bo re­duc­tion (p=0.005).

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