AbbVie commits to ‘making the big bets’ in new corporate campaign

Ab­b­Vie rolled out a new sto­ry­telling strat­e­gy on Tues­day fo­cused on re­search and de­vel­op­ment that it calls “The Case for Big Bets.” An in­tro­duc­to­ry video points out that dream­ing big isn’t enough, so Ab­b­Vie is tak­ing big leaps and set­ting big goals in R&D.

The phar­ma has cre­at­ed a ded­i­cat­ed area on its web­site for the new cam­paign and plans to pub­lish sto­ries there and on so­cial me­dia chan­nels about new re­search, tech­nol­o­gy, in­sights and break­throughs, an Ab­b­Vie spokesper­son said in an email.

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