AbbVie doubles down on corporate awareness efforts in latest social and digital campaign

Ab­b­Vie is con­tin­u­ing to spot­light its sci­ence and re­search, em­ploy­ees and pa­tients in a new so­cial and dig­i­tal ef­fort.

The “Peo­ple. Pas­sion. Pos­si­bil­i­ties.” cam­paign run­ning now on so­cial me­dia and oth­er dig­i­tal chan­nels is aimed at “es­tab­lish­ing who we are (Peo­ple), what we do (Pas­sion) and the im­pact we have (Pos­si­bil­i­ties),” said an Ab­b­Vie spokesper­son via email to End­points News.

A hand­ful of cur­rent videos rang­ing from six to 30 sec­onds are run­ning on Face­book and In­sta­gram with a nar­rat­ed voiceover and show sci­en­tists, lab scenes, and both young and old­er pa­tients. The spon­sored ads point out that Ab­b­Vie serves more than 62 mil­lion peo­ple every year, with some fea­tur­ing a lo­cal em­pha­sis and call­ing out its work in Chica­go, Boston and the Bay Area, for ex­am­ple.

Endpoints News

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