AbbVie fully ditches I-Mab’s CD47 drug after initial 2022 pullback from $1B+ bet

Ab­b­Vie will end the last parts of its CD47 agree­ment with I-Mab, the Mary­land and Shang­hai biotech dis­closed in a Fri­day SEC fil­ing.

The Chica­go-area drug­mak­er will re­turn the glob­al rights to de­vel­op and com­mer­cial­ize cer­tain CD47 an­ti­bod­ies and prod­ucts that were set up un­der the orig­i­nal 2020 and amend­ed 2022 tie-ups, I-Mab said.

Last Au­gust, Ab­b­Vie opt­ed out of part of their pact. But I-Mab could still have gained as much as $1.295 bil­lion in pay­outs based on where the deal stood at that time. The de­ci­sion to en­tire­ly end the agree­ment was “based on the pre­vi­ous pro­gram dis­con­tin­u­a­tion and Ab­b­Vie’s strate­gic de­ci­sion,” I-Mab said in the fil­ing.

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