AbbVie goes deeper into neuroscience with collaboration worth as much as $2B

In its next big neu­ro deal, Ab­b­Vie is bet­ting $65 mil­lion — and an­oth­er $1.95 bil­lion in po­ten­tial pay­ments — on a plat­form that aims to achieve the ef­fi­ca­cy of psy­che­del­ic com­pounds with few­er side ef­fects.

Ab­b­Vie said Mon­day it will part­ner with Gil­gamesh Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals to re­search and de­vel­op a port­fo­lio of neu­ro­plas­to­gens for undis­closed psy­chi­atric dis­or­ders. While neu­ro­plas­to­gens dif­fer from psy­che­delics, Gil­gamesh thinks they can achieve sim­i­lar re­sults in a range of men­tal health in­di­ca­tions with­out hal­lu­cino­genic or dis­so­cia­tive ef­fects, mean­ing they could be tak­en out­side of a health work­er’s su­per­vi­sion.

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