AbbVie is gunning for accelerated approval of antibody-drug conjugate after positive PhII data

Ab­b­Vie plans to ex­plore ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval for its an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate as a monother­a­py in non-small cell lung can­cer fol­low­ing pos­i­tive Phase II topline da­ta.

Teliso­tuzum­ab-ve­dotin, al­so called Teliso-V, is be­ing in­ves­ti­gat­ed in pa­tients with c-Met pro­tein over-ex­pres­sion, epi­der­mal growth fac­tor re­cep­tor (EGFR) wild type, ad­vanced or metasta­t­ic non­squa­mous non-small cell lung can­cer (NSCLC). C-Met is a re­cep­tor ty­ro­sine ki­nase that is over-ex­pressed in many sol­id tu­mors, in­clud­ing NSCLC. The Phase II LU­MI­NOS­I­TY tri­al used the drug as a sec­ond- or third-line treat­ment for pa­tients whose can­cer over-ex­pressed c-Met.

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