AbbVie pours $223M into building out its biologics capacity in Singapore

Ab­b­Vie is not on­ly build­ing out its pipeline, but al­so its man­u­fac­tur­ing foot­print. The Chica­go-based phar­ma is spend­ing $223 mil­lion to ex­tend its on­ly man­u­fac­tur­ing site in Asia and boost its bi­o­log­ics pro­duc­tion.

The fa­cil­i­ty in Sin­ga­pore, which can al­ready pro­duce bi­o­log­ics and small mol­e­cules, is en­vi­sioned to add at least 100 jobs to a to­tal of around 500 work­ers once it’s ful­ly op­er­a­tional. The ex­ten­sion will boost its bi­o­log­ics drug sub­stance ca­pa­bil­i­ties by 24,000 liters.

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