AbbVie teams with Parkinson’s disease foundation for ‘Flipping the Switch’ effort

A new so­cial me­dia cam­paign from Ab­b­Vie and a Parkin­son’s dis­ease non­prof­it wants to “flip the switch” for pa­tients and care­givers. The Ab­b­Vie Face­book and In­sta­gram ads be­gan this month, of­fer­ing in­for­ma­tion and re­sources with a link to the Davis Phin­ney Foun­da­tion web­site.

The “switch” refers to the brain’s switch box that con­trols neur­al ac­tiv­i­ty, which flips some func­tions on and some off de­pend­ing on the phys­i­cal ac­tiv­i­ty. Cell dam­age in Parkin­son’s can dis­rupt the flu­id­i­ty of the switch­ing func­tions and cause mo­tor fluc­tu­a­tions, ac­cord­ing to the web­site.

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