AbbVie’s psoriasis drug Skyrizi beats out Amgen’s blockbuster in PhIV head-to-head study

Ab­b­Vie’s pso­ri­a­sis drug Skyrizi beat out Am­gen’s Ote­zla in a Phase IV head-to-head ef­fi­ca­cy and safe­ty study test­ing both treat­ments in adult pa­tients with mod­er­ate plaque pso­ri­a­sis.

Ab­b­Vie said Wednes­day that the IL-23 in­hibitor hit all pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary end­points: At week 16, 55.9% of pa­tients get­ting sub­cu­ta­neous in­jec­tions of Skyrizi saw a 90% or more im­prove­ment from their base­line score on the Pso­ri­a­sis Area and Sever­i­ty In­dex (PASI). In com­par­i­son, 5.1% hit a PASI 90 score in the Ote­zla arm, earn­ing a p-val­ue of <0.001. Ote­zla is an oral treat­ment.

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