Abcam agrees to $5.7B sale to Danaher amid founder’s push for a board seat

Dana­her will buy Ab­cam, a re­search tools sup­pli­er re­lied up­on by many bio­phar­mas, for an en­ter­prise val­ue of about $5.7 bil­lion, the com­pa­nies an­nounced Mon­day morn­ing.

The $24-per-share deal caps a quick strate­gic al­ter­na­tives hunt for Ab­cam. In June, the board of the Cam­bridge, UK-based com­pa­ny called for a re­view, which was pre­cip­i­tat­ed by founder Jonathan Mil­ner’s at­tempt in May to re­turn to the board to fix what he called a “sus­tained pe­ri­od of op­er­a­tional un­der­per­for­mance.” Mil­ner owns 6.3% of Ab­cam.

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