ABPI, researchers criticize NHS’ Innovative Medicines Fund, with no new therapies available over a year after formation

Two years ago, the UK’s Na­tion­al Health Ser­vice an­nounced the cre­ation of the In­no­v­a­tive Med­i­cines Fund (IMF), de­signed to cov­er the cost of new rare dis­ease drugs that don’t yet have enough da­ta to sat­is­fy the gov­ern­ment’s pric­ing watch­dog NICE, but might still of­fer some ben­e­fit for pa­tients.

But no new med­i­cines have been made avail­able yet through the fund, and re­searchers and in­dus­try stake­hold­ers have brought their crit­i­cisms and rec­om­mend­ed changes to light.

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