Acadia gets more rights for Daybue, forking over $100M upfront after an ‘impressive’ US launch

Aca­dia Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is ac­quir­ing fur­ther rights to Neuren Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ new­ly ap­proved Rett syn­drome treat­ment for $100 mil­lion amid a bet­ter-than-ex­pect­ed launch of the drug.

The deal, an­nounced Thurs­day, ex­pands on a li­cens­ing agree­ment first set up in 2018 and deep­ens Aca­dia’s po­si­tion in rare dis­ease.

It will see Aca­dia get the ex-North Amer­i­can rights to Day­bue, al­so known as trofine­tide, which earned FDA ap­proval in March and went on the mar­ket in April. Aca­dia al­so ob­tained the glob­al rights to Neuren’s NNZ-2591, which is be­ing test­ed as a treat­ment for Rett syn­drome and Frag­ile X syn­drome, a com­mon cause of autism, and four oth­er neu­rode­vel­op­men­tal syn­dromes.

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