Accenture boosts life sciences marketing in $245M deal for Novo Nordisk’s obesity ad agency ConcentricLife

Ac­cen­ture Song is tak­ing big steps in­to life sci­ences mar­ket­ing with the ac­qui­si­tion of Con­cen­tri­cLife, mov­ing fur­ther in­to cre­ative ad­ver­tis­ing ser­vices and al­so on­board­ing No­vo Nordisk and its obe­si­ty mar­ket­ing busi­ness.

Ac­cen­ture’s $245 mil­lion cash deal scoops up the 21-year-old ad agency fo­cused on phar­ma and health­care, which was part of the Stag­well net­work. Con­cen­tri­cLife’s client ros­ter in­cludes No­vo Nordisk, where it is the agency of record for obe­si­ty, along with serv­ing biotech and phar­ma com­pa­nies such as Al­ny­lam Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, Take­da and Pfiz­er.

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