ACIP recommends expanded use for Valneva’s chikungunya vaccine and Covid boosters

At its meet­ing in At­lanta this week, the CDC’s Ad­vi­so­ry Com­mit­tee on Im­mu­niza­tion Prac­tices rec­om­mend­ed Covid-19 boost­ers for old­er adults and a Val­ne­va chikun­gun­ya virus vac­cine.

On Thurs­day, the com­mit­tee vot­ed unan­i­mous­ly (with one ab­stain­ing) to rec­om­mend that peo­ple 18 years and old­er who are trav­el­ing to an area where there is a chikun­gun­ya virus out­break should re­ceive the vac­cine. The com­mit­tee al­so said peo­ple should con­sid­er the vac­cine if they are trav­el­ing to an area with ev­i­dence of virus trans­mis­sion with­in the last five years, who are old­er than 65 years and like­ly to have “at least mod­er­ate ex­po­sure to mos­qui­tos,” ac­cord­ing to man­u­fac­tur­er Val­ne­va.

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