Activist investor Elliott buys $1B+ stake in BioMarin as CEO change nears

The ac­tivist in­vest­ing gi­ant El­liott In­vest­ment Man­age­ment has bought over a $1 bil­lion stake in Bio­Marin, a per­son fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter tells End­points News.

El­liott’s in­volve­ment, first re­port­ed Tues­day by Reuters, is the lat­est de­vel­op­ment for the Cal­i­for­nia drug­mak­er, which has failed to meet its own sales tar­gets for the launch of its he­mo­phil­ia gene ther­a­py Roc­ta­vian. El­liott and Bio­Marin have been en­gaged in dis­cus­sions for sev­er­al months, ac­cord­ing to a per­son fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter.

Endpoints News

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