Adaptive Biotechnologies trims handful of jobs as strategic review nears completion

Adap­tive Biotech­nolo­gies, a Seat­tle-based di­ag­nos­tics mak­er and drug dis­cov­ery com­pa­ny, told End­points News it re­cent­ly elim­i­nat­ed 6.7% of its work­force as part of its strate­gic re­view.

The cuts were across “R&D, com­mer­cial, soft­ware, and op­er­a­tions func­tions,” the com­pa­ny said in an email. “We made strate­gic mod­i­fi­ca­tions to de­part­ment and team struc­tures that will al­low us to op­er­ate more ef­fec­tive­ly and ef­fi­cient­ly.”

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