ADC dealmaking is red hot. Is it sustainable?

The fren­zied deal­mak­ing for an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gates is far from over.

In the past 10 days, there’s been a slew of ADC deals. Gen­mab made its first-ever ac­qui­si­tion — of Pro­found­Bio, which is in the clin­ic with mul­ti­ple AD­Cs. Mer­ck made a small bet on a start­up look­ing to make the drugs safer on the heels of a mas­sive ADC deal in the fall. Ipsen ac­quired an as­set on the verge of en­ter­ing hu­man stud­ies, and blue-chip in­vestors doled out $158 mil­lion for an ADC start­up on the brink of Phase 3.

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