After $4B Takeda deal, Nimbus lays out ‘grand’ hopes for its next-gen immunotherapy drug

Just over a year ago, Nim­bus Ther­a­peu­tics closed one of the biggest sin­gle-drug deals in biotech, sell­ing its TYK2 in­hibitor to Take­da for $4 bil­lion up­front. Now, CEO Jeb Keiper is plan­ning the com­pa­ny’s next act.

On Thurs­day, Nim­bus shared up­dat­ed da­ta for NDI-101150, the biotech’s sole clin­i­cal-stage drug be­ing test­ed in can­cer pa­tients with ad­vanced sol­id tu­mors. In an in­ter­view with End­points News, Keiper said he’s “in­cred­i­bly en­cour­aged” by ear­ly re­sults from the on­go­ing Phase 1/2 tri­al, which showed 5 of 30 pa­tients (17%) with clin­i­cal ben­e­fit to its small mol­e­cule in­hibit­ing the HPK1 pro­tein.

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